Well here it is March 13 and now to do a new post and catch up on what has been happening. I was unable to attend the camp out at the end of February as we had a job at work that needed to be done so we worked late on Friday then worked almost all day on Saturday. We had to get it done as we left the following Monday to go work in
Price at the Wendy's. The end of February is also Saedy's birthday so we had a party on Sunday. The trip to Price was good but quite busy. We have to work the night shift as we remove the existing cook grills and install new ones. It takes two nights to get it all done if we do not encounter problems. The first night was great as everything went well. The second night was pretty good until we went to start up the equipment then we found problems with some electrical outlets fixed them. Then when we went to start up the refrigerator system we had parts that were bad from the factory. We had to call down to Utah county to get the parts. We were able to find the parts and had Kincade make a quick run to Price and bring us the parts. Success was our the parts took care of the problems. We then got showered up and drove home. Three days of work on about 8 hours of sleep so when we got home it was some sleepy men. Most of us waited until 10pm to go to bed so we all slept like logs. Up and back to regular work on Thursday.
I have had two uncles die in the last month. Jack Wilkinson and Donald Brickey. That only leaves two in that age group left Don's wife Joyce and my Dad. Kind of sad when you think about it. My age group is getting close to the latter years in our lives. As we think about it we can get a little depressed but if we keep our thoughts young and thank our Father in Heaven for what we have and keep a positive out look we can keep ourselves happy with life. This month is Chastina and Steve's 11th anniversary. It doesn't seem like they have been married that long. It is also Steve's birthday---Happy birthday STEVE. It is just wonderful that we are all healthily
Scott and Kayce let us know that we will be grandparents for the 9th time come August. Congratulations to them. Nicole and Ben are excited to welcome peanut to their lives in about 1 month we are all excited to meet the little guy. They have picked the name of Benjamin Jack for him.
This next week end the scouts are going camping out to the desert. We are doing a night time bike ride and star watching on Friday then on Saturday we will have a orienteering course and then we are planning on watching the Utah Rocket club launch some awesome rockets.
1 comment:
Don't worry Billy, you'll never be old. You are to young at heart. It was fun to hear about your family. It sounds like it is growing like crazy! Congratulations!
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