Delivered by c-section. Mom and son are doing well. Ben is so pleased he is going to be a great dad. I was able to go and see him that night before I left for Washington state to do some work for Wendy's. Desiree just had a birthday and turned the big 10. She is sure growing up fast. Stevie will be turning 8 on Sunday. He will be baptized on May 1. It sure is awesome to see the family grow. I never thought I would be a grandpa let alone 8 times now. Am I really getting that old? I don"t usually feel old but some days my body just screams at me for some of the things I do. But I find living life to its fullest is on way of staying young. Look at how gray my beard looks in the pictures, now you can tell I must be getting old or just getting gray!! I still love to be outside and any free time I have had lately is used trying to get the yard ready for summer. Some changes will be taking place slowly. I hope to get it cleaned up this year. My dad is doing well and just the other day I went over and tilled up his gardens. I love being able to do things for him.
As you can see we have now gotten the vinyl fence done and have been working on the wood fence. Janet and I also redid some things in the front yard but I haven't taken pictures yet. The city turned on our grey water for the sprinklers so that is good. Now Janet needs to figure out how and what she wants to plant in the garden. Sometimes I wonder why do we have such a big yard but we really do love it. I got all the trees pruned so we are mostly ready for spring-summer. Kade is moving out. He is going to go live at Nicole and Ben's. He feels it will give us more room. He and Janet went to California to visit his mission and they had a great time. Janet loved the time spent with him. She knows how well he did on the mission as people spoke real highly of him. He was a good missionary.Some of the people told him he needs to bring me out so they can meet me. I hope I can work things out and be able to make the trip with him some day. For those of you who have never been to Washington let me tell you over here in the Seattle area it is awesome. Lots of trees and green everywhere. A little humid for us desert dwellers but I could learn to love it here. The other draw back is it is to far from the rest of the family. I do love to be close to family.I have a hard time when I here of family's that get separated because they have to go away for work because there is none around the hometown area.