Well I forgot to mention that for my b-day one of the best gifts was from Chastina she made a video of the last 50 years and I am not to proud to say it brought tears to this old boy. I also was very pleased with all the work Shanna put in for the big party. Some times I am so insensitive that I forget to let the people that mean so much to me that I love them. Life is going well and I am just so proud of all my children everyone should have such a family. Even my extended family and friends should be told I am proud to call them family. Grizz is doing well and Oreo is really growing she is now about 9 months old. It is fun to train her, the training is going slower than I would like but time is hard to come by. I just don't seem to have the time to keep this blog updated but I can try. It is now October and deer hunt is on. During the last couple of months quit a bit has happened. Shanna had the baby on October 4 th and they did awe-some what a cute little girl ,her name is Aleana Marie.
Baby and mom are doing well. Dallin and Saedy are struggling a little as now all of us divide our love and of course they can tell. They will slowly adjust. Janet has decided to redo some of the house inside and of course now we have a mess for a while but it will be nice when it is done hopefully by mid Nov. The baby blessing will be the weekend of Thanksgiving and everyone is invited to come and visit and Ryan and Shanna will give a invite to the circle for those that we need to stand in. As space is limited immediate family probably. Our bishop has asked us to limit the size. We would love to be able to have all worthy priesthood holders to be in the circle but what can we do????? We love all our family and friends. News about the deer hunt my brother Matt, his boy Ty and Ty's fiancee' all came to Fruitland and we went up the mountain and 1st day seen nothing. We went fishing in the afternoon and limited up at Red Creek. Good times. On Sunday we went to Low Pass up above Current Creek and hiked back in about 3-6 miles and so Matt finally seen the buck of a life time and he blasted it down. I told him I was just taking my time so he would at least have a chance.
He and I sure like to tease each other. I am proud to be his brother and help him with this special hunt. Ty and Samantha sure had a good time. It was good to get to know her.
It is always fun to be with family and be able to teach people about fishing and hunting. Scott and Kayce are doing well and they have been down to visit a few times and it sure is great to be with them.
I was able to attend Priesthood session of conference with Scott. I sure do miss my boys as Kade is in California and Scott in Logan.
He and I sure like to tease each other. I am proud to be his brother and help him with this special hunt. Ty and Samantha sure had a good time. It was good to get to know her.
It is always fun to be with family and be able to teach people about fishing and hunting. Scott and Kayce are doing well and they have been down to visit a few times and it sure is great to be with them.

My dad is doing quite well and still does most all things for him self it sure is good to still have him around. I just wish I could spend more time with him. This next week end Matt and I are leaving on Thursday night to go and see if I can get me a deer. We will hunt back up Low Pass and we are hoping to get me one. On Friday Ryan and Dallin are planning to come out to Fruitland and we are hoping to be able to go fishing as Dallin keeps wanting to go camping and fishing any time I go. I sure hope that next year I get more of my grand kids to go with me fishing. I also hope that next summer I can get Janet to take a weekend and go with me to the Walker cabin. By the way a special thanks to DAD and MOM WALKER for putting up with me and letting us use the cabin. One of our favorite get aways.