Well we went to the Draper Temple open house this last Tuesday and what a great temple it is. If you want to see pictures as we forgot our cameras go search Draper Temple Pictures they are cool. It was just beautiful and we went with Shanna, Ryan, Dallin, Saedy, Aleana and Nicole. We always enjoy being with family. Work is going well and at least we have work. We are so blessed with Kade serving his mission and with all the grand kids. Nicole and Ben are preparing for the time of marriage but still need to set a date hopefully we will know in the next week or so. For more information on Kade link to "My Missionary" and more will be told. Janet is doing well and she is loving being a grandma. She is busy with work and life in general. She is such a special woman who else could put up with me?????? I have been camping with the scouts and as always everyone thinks I am crazy as I truly love winter camping.. No problem if you are prepared and have the correct gear. I think that some people who claim they don't like winter camping is because they don't have the correct gear and mental attitude. Don't get me wrong I do like all camping just winter is one of my favorite as I sleep best when it is cooooool or cold as my family tells me. It does take longer to do things in the cold but it is still fun.. I am enjoying all my grand kids when they are around. It is so fun to be with them.
As of the snowmobiles the 800 is back and running as far as I can tell in good shape but the poor 700 has some real problems from when it locked up pulling the 800 back from the ice cold water trip.

As you can see the 700 needs some tender loving care and some $ to get it to come back to life!! But we have until next fall to make it live again.
This next weekend my nephew Ty is getting married he is my brother Matt's oldest boy then in a couple of months his brother DJ is getting married. Spring is just a busy time of the year for all.
My Dad finally came home after only 2 1/2 weeks after back surgery and he is doing well. Way to go Dad!! My dad is one of my hero's.
Chastina and Steve went to Mexico and got to play and relax for a few days and we got to watch their kids and we had fun. Oh yea Steve and Cassie had fun too. Thanks for letting us watch your kids..
Grandpa Bill
Thanks for taking care of them for us!
Grandpa Bill....How the heck are ya? I found your blog through Chastina's. So, I am so impressed that you blog! Way to go! It's been fun checking out what yall have been up to! I too have a blog and you can visit anytime! It is tobeeaskelley.blogspot.com
Well, tell Janet hello for me! We are in a small town south of Price running two assisted living homes. We also have a little farm with 2 new puppies, 3 bull calves, 3 nanny goats, 3 billies, one Llama named wacky, 5 laying hens, and our new thing.....48 baby chickens.....hello thanks hubby! Did I mention my cute little 3 rug rats? Well, I have them too! Anyhow, so fun to catch up!
Molly Pontious Skelley
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