Monday, February 23, 2009
what has happened lately
Well here it is the last of February and what a month it has been. Work has slowed down but so far still enough to keep every thing going.The first of February On the 6th I went to a dinner seminar for hunter ed. Ryan was able to go with me and as he has been helping me with my classes it was good to let him see how the education helps the state. Janet and Shanna had a primary dinner the same night. Nicole came and was with Dallin and Saedy for the evening. It was a good night for all. The kids really love to be with Aunt Nicole.
On Saturday February 7 I went to Upalco for the night and stayed with Roger and Kellie. On Sunday I went to church with them and it was the missionary farewell for Sam Burton. It was good to be with Tippets and see the Burton family. On Saturday February 14 I had a hunter education class and it went well. I had 6 students and they all passed. All in the house except Dallin and I have been sick for the last week and now most are getting better so it is almost back to normal at the house. Last Tuesday the 17 my dad had back surgery and it went better than the doctor had hoped for. He is now at Orchard Health center in Orem for some rehab then it on back to home!!! We are so glad it went so well. Last Friday night I took the ward scouts to Scolfield for ice fishing and a winter camp. During the night one of the other leaders and I took the snowmobiles for a short ride that ended in some disaster. We were flying out over the lake and got to far to the south when we turned around to go back we went back the same way we had came but when we got to what we thought was a road the other leader was leading the way and next thing we knew he had broken through the ice and began to sink into the water. We took a minute and found out what we thought was a road was the stream coming into the lake. When we went over the first time we were going about 60 and when we went back we only going about 30 so not enough speed so he sank in about 30" of water which was better than if it was deeper. We decided since he was wet and it was 0 degrees we needed to get him dry and safe. We took off on the snowmobile I had been riding and went and found a cabin with lights on. The guy who was there lives up in his cabin year round and let us in and dry out. He then took us to our camp. Yes we left the snowmobile in the water as it was about 2:30 am when we finally got him dried out. The guys back at camp had become worried when we had not come back after about 1-2 hours and they called search and rescue. We had called and let the search and rescue know we were safe before we left the guys cabin. The rescue had only began to assemble so we caught them before the search had began. We were very lucky as no one got hurt. After we got back to camp and slept for a few hours we had breakfast and after the sun started warming every thing up we headed out to rescue a frozen snowmobile.

As you can see it was pretty fun to work together as a group. We then hooked the frozen machine up behind the other one to tow it back to the parking lot and after about a mile or so the snowmobile that was running started acting up and so I stopped and the engine died. When I tried to start it the engine would not even turn over so I think I over worked it and it seized up. We then ended up being towed in by a guy who had a track machine called ampacat. The people were so good to us up there when we needed so much help. I think of them as angels of mercy and thank God for what was done for us. We then went back to camp and took down all tents and packed up. Yes we did let all who wanted to fish for about 2 hours and only one fish was caught. Still all in all it was a good weekend. We only need to check over the snowmobiles and see what damage was really done. We know that there is always a reason for the tests we go through. We will see how we grow from this one!!!!!! God really does look out for us... I was asked if I will go back and ice fish again and of course I said yes and yes I will still snowmobile but will pay a little more attention to what is around me. I did not like the idea of someone getting in as much trouble as we could have been in. We did keep our heads and by the time we found the cabin the other leader was starting to get hypothermia not good. But everything worked out. All who help us only asked us to be ready to help others as that is all the compensation they would take for helping us.. Treat everyone around you as you would like to be treated!!!!!! AWESOME PEOPLE!!!!
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1 comment:
Those people understand service! I'm glad that only the machines got "hurt" on your trip. If you ask me you have learned some lessons from the trials on this trip (Pay attention to your surroundings).
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