Well here we are just before Christmas and life is just slipping by. Kade has been out for almost 14 months and the rest of the time will just seem like a breeze when he finally does get home. We now have the house pretty much back together it sure looks a lot better than it did. Steve and Cassie are doing great and their kids are all healthy. Steve really works hard and is a great dad. His kids always get excited when he gets home. They also get excited when they get to visit with Janet and I. I just love to be around them. Des and Stevie both had piano recitals on 19 Dec it was good to be able to be with them. Ryan and Shanna are doing well yes they still live with us and it sure is fun most of the time. Ryan only has 1 more semester then he will have has masters then in the fall he will go back and go for the almighty PHD. Good luck Ryan. Shanna works at home and tries to manage with 3 small kids always running around. She has a lot of patience. Dallin, Saedy and Aleana are doing great, all healthy and being spoiled each day mostly by Grandma, HAHAHA never by me. Scott and Kayce are doing well with school and both are working, such busy life's. We sure enjoy them when they have a chance to come visit. They both did real well with finals and school in general. Nicole is working at a credit union and she just keeps doing well and advancing up the work ladder. She is still engaged to Ben and he is such a work alcoholic some times we don't get to see him for a week or so. We really look forward to this spring when he will be joining the family permanently. When the summer comes and all weddings are over Kade will be the only unmarried Brickey. He thinks this is quite a accomplishment. He doesn't think any one will out last Scott's record for being single though. We look forward to CHRISTMAS and wish you all a Merry Christmas yes I said Christmas as it is quite upsetting when everyone says happy holidays when it is a celebration of our Savior's birth. I pray we can all remember our lord and what he did for us!!!!!! I love you all.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Novembers Here
Well the last month has been great as the deer hunt came and of course the second weekend we only got to shoot at one. Saturday Matt and I got up and we went all over quite a bit of driving in the truck as on friday Matt, Ty, Sammie and I went back to Low pass and hiked for about 10 miles according to the GPS and we saw a few deer but mostly saw Elk. We then went fishing for a while and Sammie was the only one to catch any. Matt told her she was done fishing with him as when he gets skunked and someone else catches fish he claims they can't fish with him ant more. Such a story teller. We had a great time. Ty and Sammie left Saturday so Ty could get back to work. Matt and I went for a drive and seen a big bull moose such a awesome sight. We didn't really see anything else until just before dark and we were down in the low foot hills just west of Walkers cabin. We seen a nice buck but I could not hit it I geuss it was not my year to get a deer. We then went back to the cabin and cleaned up so we could just get up on Sunday and hunt for a little while and then head home. We got home about 3pm and we sure enjoyed another year of deer hunting. This last week the tile got layed in the kitchen and entry way, this next week the wood floor goes in and then the baseboard and crown molding then we hope no more house disassembly for a while. The grandkids are tired of the mess. Work is a little slow but at least there is work. So many are being laid off I fell blessed. Kade is doing well and is now on the down hill slide to come home in less than a year. Today all my grandkids were here and even though it gats a little noisy in the house it is always good to be with them. Scott and Kayce came down and we got to spend some time with them. They both have school and work so they are keeping real busy. It was great to see them.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Well I forgot to mention that for my b-day one of the best gifts was from Chastina she made a video of the last 50 years and I am not to proud to say it brought tears to this old boy. I also was very pleased with all the work Shanna put in for the big party. Some times I am so insensitive that I forget to let the people that mean so much to me that I love them. Life is going well and I am just so proud of all my children everyone should have such a family. Even my extended family and friends should be told I am proud to call them family. Grizz is doing well and Oreo is really growing she is now about 9 months old. It is fun to train her, the training is going slower than I would like but time is hard to come by. I just don't seem to have the time to keep this blog updated but I can try. It is now October and deer hunt is on. During the last couple of months quit a bit has happened. Shanna had the baby on October 4 th and they did awe-some what a cute little girl ,her name is Aleana Marie.
Baby and mom are doing well. Dallin and Saedy are struggling a little as now all of us divide our love and of course they can tell. They will slowly adjust. Janet has decided to redo some of the house inside and of course now we have a mess for a while but it will be nice when it is done hopefully by mid Nov. The baby blessing will be the weekend of Thanksgiving and everyone is invited to come and visit and Ryan and Shanna will give a invite to the circle for those that we need to stand in. As space is limited immediate family probably. Our bishop has asked us to limit the size. We would love to be able to have all worthy priesthood holders to be in the circle but what can we do????? We love all our family and friends. News about the deer hunt my brother Matt, his boy Ty and Ty's fiancee' all came to Fruitland and we went up the mountain and 1st day seen nothing. We went fishing in the afternoon and limited up at Red Creek. Good times. On Sunday we went to Low Pass up above Current Creek and hiked back in about 3-6 miles and so Matt finally seen the buck of a life time and he blasted it down. I told him I was just taking my time so he would at least have a chance.
He and I sure like to tease each other. I am proud to be his brother and help him with this special hunt. Ty and Samantha sure had a good time. It was good to get to know her.
It is always fun to be with family and be able to teach people about fishing and hunting. Scott and Kayce are doing well and they have been down to visit a few times and it sure is great to be with them.
I was able to attend Priesthood session of conference with Scott. I sure do miss my boys as Kade is in California and Scott in Logan.
He and I sure like to tease each other. I am proud to be his brother and help him with this special hunt. Ty and Samantha sure had a good time. It was good to get to know her.
It is always fun to be with family and be able to teach people about fishing and hunting. Scott and Kayce are doing well and they have been down to visit a few times and it sure is great to be with them.

My dad is doing quite well and still does most all things for him self it sure is good to still have him around. I just wish I could spend more time with him. This next week end Matt and I are leaving on Thursday night to go and see if I can get me a deer. We will hunt back up Low Pass and we are hoping to get me one. On Friday Ryan and Dallin are planning to come out to Fruitland and we are hoping to be able to go fishing as Dallin keeps wanting to go camping and fishing any time I go. I sure hope that next year I get more of my grand kids to go with me fishing. I also hope that next summer I can get Janet to take a weekend and go with me to the Walker cabin. By the way a special thanks to DAD and MOM WALKER for putting up with me and letting us use the cabin. One of our favorite get aways.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
time flys by
Well here I am finally writing again. It has been a while. Since I wrote last time alot has happened. The grandkids are really growing up it is fun to be with them. Saedy is talking and running around like a little banshie. Dallin is really talking up a storm. Shanna is getting real close to time to have the next baby we do know that it is a little girl. Beatrice is the supposed name for her. The Ritchies are all doing well and really growing up. In August Shanna planned a big surprise party for my 50 th b-day and on August 16 the big surprise party came to be and I was surprised on how many people showed up to wish me well on the next how ever many years I have. Then on the 19 th we had an awesome day as our son Scott took Kayce Rose to the Salt Lake Temple and was married. It was sure a great day in our lives. We then had a great breakfast at our church. The food was provided by our great friends the Palmers both Par & Kaylynn. Our deep appreciation goes to them. We then went to the Provo city libary for the reception it was real busy and we want to thank all who supported us on that great day. We want to welcome Kayce as the newest member of our family. The end of June to the fourth of July I went with troop /crew 1098 to Camp Buffalo Bill in Wyoming. We had a great time the camp is one of our favorite. We got back and on July 31 until August 2 I went with the Priest group from our ward to the Walker cabin in Fruitland, we did some fishing and launched rockets we had a real good time and got to know each other better. We now have more camp outs planned, our next one is out to Faust to do some shotgun shooting and then we are going to the Pony Express Trail for the monthly rocket club launch. I am hoping to keep these young men excited about camping. I am going this next weekend out to Faust with troop/crew 1098 and we are going to do a night bike ride as it is a full moon. This last weekend Ryan, Dallin, Stevie, Ben and I went to the ward father and sons we had a good time and after the camp ended we went up to Tipple Fork fishing and

Dallin caught his first fish it was fun and both he and Stevie had a good time it sure is fun spending time with the boys I just wish that Scott, Kincade, Mckay and Steve could have been with us but we do have the next few years to get together. My family means more to me each passing day. I have come to realize how happy they make me. Scott and Kayce have moved to Logan to continue their education. I hope that eveyone is in good health and god bless all.
Dallin caught his first fish it was fun and both he and Stevie had a good time it sure is fun spending time with the boys I just wish that Scott, Kincade, Mckay and Steve could have been with us but we do have the next few years to get together. My family means more to me each passing day. I have come to realize how happy they make me. Scott and Kayce have moved to Logan to continue their education. I hope that eveyone is in good health and god bless all.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
This week in life
Well here we are back in good old American fork. This last couple of weeks have been real busy. First the trip home as always just a long drive then on the first week end in may the family and I went to cedar city to move Nicole home and watch her graduate with honors from S.U.U. should I say how proud Janet and I of her. On Saturday we got home about 10 pm then we all went to bed. Up on Sunday quick showers then back in the vehicles and off to Upalco to see Kellie and Roger Tippets twins blessed. Both Johnathon Leroy and Beth Ann were sure cutie. Roger did a great job with the blessings. It sure is a great time when family can get together. It was awesome that my dad is now able to stand in on the blessings and other ordnance's as family members receive them. We are so proud of all of dads accomplishments. After the blessings we then went to Tippets new house for a luncheon it was fun to be able to visit with everyone there. Then after the luncheon we came home just in time for family night with the Walker side. It is always fun to have the monthly family night with them. We just wish more could make it. After family night about 9 pm I then headed out to Salt lake to work for the night. When I finally got home Monday I just crashed. Then Monday, Tuesday And Wednesday I also worked the night shift. Boy as I get older the night work sure seems to get to me. I remember that not so long ago it seemed like I could just go go go with not much sleep but I just can not do it as well but I guess that is what happens when you start getting older. I still think of myself as young. On Thursday I went back to the dentist and got my tooth finally taken care of. Yes a dreaded root canal. It is feeling much better now. The grand kids are doing great and it is always great to be with them. I should say I am glad I didn't disown or do away with the kids when they were teenagers. I guess they will get theirs as the grand kids get older. As grandparents all we have to do is love and spoil them. Just like our parents did to our own kids. I do love all my kids and grand kids and want them to know how proud I am of them. To all my friends out there I love and pray for you and wish you all well. We are so proud of our missionary he is doing so good and the lord is blessing us and him as he serves. God bless you all.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
in denver april 20
Well here I am still in denver but this week has gone by pretty good, the crew we have are doing real good together. We are actually having a good time and enjoying each others company. No problems that we can't or haven't been able to work out. I am missing home though and can't hardly wait to get there. We have only 3 nights left. We should be home on wed night. Saturday I got an infection in one of my teeth and of course nothing I can really do as now it is sunday. But oh well I will get through it. Next saturday Desiree will be getting baptized and I will be home for it. I am real proud of her. As I have been out here I have missed her and Kirks B-days but what can you do when work is out of town? I will at least get to see them on sat. Thursday is Shannas B-day but I will be home for it. Even though I am out of town life just keeps on going. There is so much that needs to be done and when I am out of town I get fustrated because it is not getting done. I am not the only one that feels this way though. Every one has things to do. I hope during the time I am home I can get some of the things done, but who knows what time and weather will do. I do miss Janet and everyone please take care and we will see you soon.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Week of April 1-5 2008
Well this week is over and some great things have happened. First I got home from Denver on Wed about 12:30 pm. Had all day Wed off. Took both Grizz and Oreo to the Vet Grizz has a yeast infection in his ears so now we get to treat his ears with meds twice a week it is already helping. Oreo got her fist shots and she checked out healthy. We are loving having her as part of the family. Grizz is doing just fine he even is becoming somewhat playful to Oreo. I still know he misses Shadow as we all do. He puts up with Oreo until she gets irritating then he really puts his foot down and she can not do anything as he is so much bigger than her. She seems to be adjusting to her life with us. I then spent a good portion of the rest of Wed with Shanna as we went and ran some errands. We went to Mistys and spend a little time with her and the twins. Arron went to sleep right after we got there but AJ was up and at first he didn't want to be around his uncle Bill but after awhile he warmed up. I could not believe how big he is. The twins are younger than Sadie but even Arron who is the smallest of the two makes, two of Sadie, how does Misty carry these boys. Misty's husband Adam just had surgery on his ankle but is doing well. They are my brother Matt's family. I sure wish I could spend more time with All family members. I sure had a great time when Matt and I went to Ottercreek, it will be one of my great memories. I sure do enjoy family last night Chastina and three of the kids came over and we had a wonder full evening so fun are the grand kids. They sure enjoyed the dogs even though Grizz is so much bigger than all of them. They seemed to enjoy Oreo but at times they were thinking she is a pest. She just wants so loving. Desiree was at a birthday party so she did not make it here and Grandpa missed her she is a fun person to be with. I hope that they can come back tonight and have some ice cream after Ryan and I get back from priesthood. My niece Kellie Had her twins on April 2 and The twins are doing well. She had Jonathon Leroy then Beth Ann. She had a little problem with Beth as Beth didn't want to come out normal so Kellie ended up having Beth C-section, but as I talked to Kellie all were doing well. I just can't wait to see them all as I really enjoy them. I heard that the birth was real hard on Roger as Kellie said that night he slept and didn't even hear his cell phone ring when his brother called. He had better sleep all he can cause when Kellie and the baby's get home all sleep will be over. God bless them all. For all who don't know yet Janet and I am going to be Grandparents again, this will make #7. Shanna And Ryan will be parents again in Oct. As for Crew- troop 1098 we changed our night from Wed to Thurs as of April 1 so I will have scouts on both Tues and Thurs. We ended up changing our sea base trip to fall as we are doing allot of activities this spring. We are going to scout camp the first week of July [yes I know it is the week of July 4 but that was the best time] we are going to be going to Camp Buffalo Bill in Wyoming. Between now and then I will be going back to Denver for another 10-12 days then to Cedar city some other Utah locations. Travel is OK but I do miss family when I am gone. Kade is still doing well and I sure enjoy hearing from him every week. Isn't internet great. I hope all who read this enjoy and I really love you all.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
first entry
Well I am in Denver and getting ready to finish the last two nights of work on wendy's until April 12 when I come back to do two more weeks of wendy's. It has been a normal work load and all things have gone preety good. It will be nice to get back home for a while. I love being around my family which is hard to do from so far away. We had to have our dog Shadow put down as she got sick and would not get better. The Vet said it was the most humane thing we could do. Grizz sure was missing her so we went and got a new puppy from Levan. She is a mix of boarder collie, blue healer and australian shepherd the grandkids love her. She is about 9 weeks old and is already learning. I am looking forward to teaching her to do some tricks. I just love dogs. Having to make the decission to have Shadow put down was one of the most diffucult things I have ever done. I do miss her.
Kade is doing real well on his mission and he knows of our love for him and that God is watching over us all. He tells me to tell everyone he loves them and misses them . He is so glad that Grandpa Brickey is doing so well. He was real worried about him and just kept praying for him. He keeps us all in his prayers and I would like us all to keep him in ours.
This next weekend the scout- crew 1098 I work with is supposed to be going to sea base to scuba dive. This is the nodenomiation group and I sure enjoy this group of young men and young women. Yes I did say young women. If they are over 14 they can join and have asmuch fun as the boys. It is awesome to see them having fun. We have some great adults helping with this group. Thanks to all of them. My other group is the L.D.S. priest age boys and I just wish they could see past other interrupions and have some great outdoor activites. Most of the 1098 group is older youth that want to enjoy the outdoors. They have committed to the programs that they plan. If anyone knows of any youth that wants a great outdoor experiance please let them know about crew 1098 American Fork.
Some of my best memoiries are with my dad and brother camping and fishing. I love my dad and what he tried to teach me for him I am a better person.
There is nothing as great as the time you spend with your family it is the best memoiries. I love to be with friends and spend a much time as I can with them. I do love my wife and she has spent so much time and love in raising our children I can never tell her how much it means to me. She is wonderful. To my children you are so special to me you have all turned out so well how can I not be proud. Well enough for now .
Kade is doing real well on his mission and he knows of our love for him and that God is watching over us all. He tells me to tell everyone he loves them and misses them . He is so glad that Grandpa Brickey is doing so well. He was real worried about him and just kept praying for him. He keeps us all in his prayers and I would like us all to keep him in ours.
This next weekend the scout- crew 1098 I work with is supposed to be going to sea base to scuba dive. This is the nodenomiation group and I sure enjoy this group of young men and young women. Yes I did say young women. If they are over 14 they can join and have asmuch fun as the boys. It is awesome to see them having fun. We have some great adults helping with this group. Thanks to all of them. My other group is the L.D.S. priest age boys and I just wish they could see past other interrupions and have some great outdoor activites. Most of the 1098 group is older youth that want to enjoy the outdoors. They have committed to the programs that they plan. If anyone knows of any youth that wants a great outdoor experiance please let them know about crew 1098 American Fork.
Some of my best memoiries are with my dad and brother camping and fishing. I love my dad and what he tried to teach me for him I am a better person.
There is nothing as great as the time you spend with your family it is the best memoiries. I love to be with friends and spend a much time as I can with them. I do love my wife and she has spent so much time and love in raising our children I can never tell her how much it means to me. She is wonderful. To my children you are so special to me you have all turned out so well how can I not be proud. Well enough for now .
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