Our scouts had a camp out where we went to Timpanookee and was able to shoot some awesome firearms. We all got to shoot a 50cal sniper rifle along with a 308 sniper. It was fun shooting a large cal rifle. We shot about 500 rounds total between all the campers and all firearms.
Monday, September 28, 2009
6 November 2009
Well it has been a good couple of months. Kade has now returned from his mission. He arrived in good health. For information on Kade's mission go to http://elderbrickey.blogspot.com/
Our scouts had a camp out where we went to Timpanookee and was able to shoot some awesome firearms. We all got to shoot a 50cal sniper rifle along with a 308 sniper. It was fun shooting a large cal rifle. We shot about 500 rounds total between all the campers and all firearms.
You can see by the pictures there was a lot of fire power. The camp area was just great and we enjoyed being at the base of Timp. Work has been a little slow but at least enough to keep from being laid off. The days are getting shorter and there is still so much still to do. I hope I can get most of the things done that needs to be done before winter sets in. A few Saturdays ago I went to my dads and jack hammered out his front porch. We poured a new porch just before the deer hunt and it looks real good. We now need to find or make some railing for it. I went deer hunting with Matt, Ty and Sammy. Matt got a 2x3 opening morning but it was the only buck we saw opening weekend.
During the week Matt and Ty went up Payson canyon and Ty got a two point. The last weekend of the hunt we all went up Payson canyon but as the weather had changed we were not able to find any more bucks. The best thing about the hunt is the time we are able to spend with each other. Kade got back on the 27th and we were able to take the whole day off and spend it with him. He is now looking for a job. If you know of any jobs please let us know. His home coming will be on November 15 at noon. Our church is located at 455 east 300 north American Fork. Any who are interested are welcome to come. On September 26 My dad finally made it to the Temple. We had a great day. The grandkid's are all doing well. Nicole and Ben are now expecting a child in April. This will make our 8th.

Our scouts had a camp out where we went to Timpanookee and was able to shoot some awesome firearms. We all got to shoot a 50cal sniper rifle along with a 308 sniper. It was fun shooting a large cal rifle. We shot about 500 rounds total between all the campers and all firearms.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Summer is all but over
Well here we are at the end of summer or real close. Where oh where did the summer go. The newlyweds are doing great and it is so great to know that they have each other forever. Work is fine keeping busy enough to keep out of trouble. My dad is doing well and still lives alone. Bonnie Sorensen is doing alright even though she has had a few challenges. We don't see or talk to her as much as we should. I hope to correct that. Her and Ted have been such a delight in our lives. My kids all love them just like any of the other grandparents. I know they all have a concern for Bonnie.
Scouts have been great even though it has not been as busy as I would like. Not enough camp outs but we have been trying. We have had some awesome weekly activities on our week night meetings. I hope we can get more youth excited and that they will come join our group. We just had an article written about us in the Provo Daily Herald. We hope that more people in the county will see us and come join in for an exciting scout experiance. http://www.heraldextra.com/news/local/north/american-fork/article_5fc23a28-27c2-53ea-a3aa-19e8b0acd357.html This link will take you to the article.
The family is doing well as Scott and Kayce are back in school and just trying to keep a head of home work, jobs and enjoying life. Steve and Chastina are doing the things they need to for raising 4 wonderful children. I know that is a big job. All are healthy. Ryan and Shanna are still with us and I know that they would like to have a place of their own. All are doing well and raising kane for Grandma and this old Grandpa. We have enjoyed having them here and will miss them when they finally find a place and a job. Ryan's job search is really being a pain as so many are out there with out jobs.
We just celebrated my 51 st b-day and it was so good to have the support of all family and friends. Thanks for being my Family and friends. Janet and I just passed our 32nd year of marriage and she is still the beautiful woman I married. How could I be so lucky?????? We got some great news on September 2 our anniversary, Kade will be coming home on October 27. He has faithfully served our Father in Heaven for two years and has done wonderful things in California. His homecoming talk will be on November 15 at Noon. Our church is at 445 East 300 North in American Fork. Anyone who would like to come and listen to him are welcome. Thanks for all your support for the last two years. Yes I am excited for him!!!!! Oh yea what a great anniversary present. I did get to go to dinner with my sweetheart on Saturday and I had a great time being with her. Janet I do love and appreciate all you do... Today I was able to take Both Dez and Stevie fishing, yes as you can see we were finally able to hook into some fish. It was a first for both of them. I sure enjoyed the time I was able to spend with them.
Such a great family I am a part of, I want you all to know I love each of you.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
What has happened
Well it has been a long time since I have taken the time to write. Well here is what has happened since I last wrote.
On June 6 Nicole and Ben got married in the Salt Lake Temple. Then that night they had a reception at the Provo Library. The temple was wonderful and we would like to thank all who were able to be with us.
Sorry we could not invite all those that we would have liked to, but the rooms are only so big and it was pretty full. We had alot of help at the reception and I would like to again thank all those who came an supported us. Also a big thanks to those who helped set up and take down. A big thanks to my friend Par, Kaylynn and all those who helped with the catering. Nicole and Ben went to Mexico for their honeymoon and they had a great time. Thanks to those who made this possible for them!! We are so glad that we were able to have some grandparents to share this with. I know that Nicole and Ben are busy with getting life stabilized now with the new place and getting used to being together when they can with work and such. I am so proud of what they have decided to do.
On June 13 I was able to have a wonderful day with Desire. We went fishing up at Tibble Fork then we came down to Highland Glen park and fished for a while. It was a pretty cool day especially for being the middle of June!!
We did not catch any fish but spent the day together and I showed her how to skip rocks and just enjoyed the time together. She is getting so big. I hope to be able to spend time with all my grand kids. I love each of them. On June 27 I picked up my dad and we went out to Ophir to the Carter family reunion.
After a while Janet, Ryan, Shanna and kids came out and we had a good time. I am thankful that Janet came out. Curley's are always good to come and support in most all things. The reunion was good even though it was low on numbers. There was some problems with the family list of addresses so not as many got invites as we would like to invited. 
If you are a family member, there is a web site where the invites and family news is suppose to be posted.http://www.myfamily.com/signup/respond.aspx?invid=-kg9XxjlI5Rc30ND5A2KLw I hope all family members are well. It sure was good to see some of my family that I only get to see once a year if we make it to the reunion.
July 4 we got together with the Walker's and had breakfast, then did a few things of our own, then we went back over to Grandpa and Grandmas for dinner and fireworks. It is always good to get together with the Walker side. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma for all they do for us all.
On Wednesday July 8 for scouts we went up to Highland Glen park and did dutch oven cooking.
As always it was good times and good food. This last Wednesday we hiked up to the Battle Creek falls had so backpacking food
and just enjoyed the hike and canyon.
Kade is doing well on his mission and we are just so proud of what he is doing, He is now in Antelope, Cal. We think he might stay there until he comes home which is just a few months away. It seems like he just left and then again some time it is like he has been gone forever. Scott and Kayce are doing well. Still in Logan so we don't see them as much as we would like but we can always go see them. Logan is a lot closer than Virgina where Curleys were. Chastina and Steve are doing well and their kids are just great. Shanna and Ryan are still with us and they would sure like a place of their own but things have not worked out for them just yet. I know I will miss them when they go. I just hope they don't go more than a state or two away. I would just like all my kids be close enough to do the family things.
If you are a family member, there is a web site where the invites and family news is suppose to be posted.http://www.myfamily.com/signup/respond.aspx?invid=-kg9XxjlI5Rc30ND5A2KLw I hope all family members are well. It sure was good to see some of my family that I only get to see once a year if we make it to the reunion.
As always it was good times and good food. This last Wednesday we hiked up to the Battle Creek falls had so backpacking food
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It has been a while since last post
Well since last post a lot has happened. Work has been slow but still have a job so god is still sending us blessings. Nicole and Ben got their patriarchal blessings a couple of weeks ago and afterwards we went to dinner with Nicole, Ben and Ben's parents, it was good to visit and get to know Ben's parents better. Our ward was suppose to have the father and sons on the 15-16 but in the end they postponed it so Ryan and I took Dallin and Stevie fishing again up to Highland Glen park.

As you can see by the picture I also took the scouts out to the west desert and watched some awesome rockets being launched. We do this quite often as it is real fun to see the large rockets go up. Some of them are up to 10 feet tall and cost about 150-350 dollars to lauch which is more than I am willing to pay to launch so it is fun to watch others launch them. I f you want to go watch them they launch every 3rd weekend on the pony express route. To find out more go to uroc.com and you can find out when exactly the launches will be.
Fishing was slow but we still had a good time.
On May 12 I had surgery on my right hand to correct carpal tunnel it seems to be doing OK. It is still weak but coming along. I am off work until June 1 when I go back to the doctor to see if the hand is well enough to go back on light duty. I hope it is. We talked to Kade on Mothers day and it was just awesome to hear his voice and now we won't talk to him until he gets home. Janet had a good mothers day so did all the other mothers in our lives. This last weekend we went to Saint George to be with Nicole and Ben as they went to the temple to receive their endowments. All of our children except Kade was able to make it a part of the memorial day weekend. Ryan, Dallin, Saedy, and Aleana were in Saint George but Ryan stayed with the kids we did miss him at the temple. Steve stayed home with his kids and did some daddy time with them. I am so proud of Nicole and Ben and the decisions they have made. OH yea they Ben and Nicole have bought a condo down in Spanish Fork it is pretty cool. I was able to help them move some stuff in yesterday and Ben is now living there. As the wedding gets closer we are so happy that we have most every thing set up and just a few minor things to do to finish up. It will come together as we work together. June 6 at the Salt Lake Temple is the day for us proud parents to see our lovely Nicole marry our new son-in-law Ben. All of our children our now temple worthy and it makes a dad super proud. I know that we are truly blessed. We are looking forward to all of our children and their spouses to be with us to see this wonderful event we will miss Kade but he told us he will be with us in spirit. It is always wonderful to be with family no matter what the occasion.
On May 8-9 I went with the 1098 scouts and we hiked up Grove Creek canyon we went about 2.5 miles and camped over night.
I can tell by the way I felt after the hike I am way out of shape and need to do somethings to get my self into better shape but as always unless I really set the goals and start working towards it I won't get it done... I won't be doing any long term camps this year with the scouts as I have taken time for surgery and will take time during the hunts. 

It is always fun to take pictures of anything but my favorites are the family and then the mountians or where ever I am camping. I totaly love the out doors. I hope everyone is doing well and may god bless you all.
As you can see by the picture I also took the scouts out to the west desert and watched some awesome rockets being launched. We do this quite often as it is real fun to see the large rockets go up. Some of them are up to 10 feet tall and cost about 150-350 dollars to lauch which is more than I am willing to pay to launch so it is fun to watch others launch them. I f you want to go watch them they launch every 3rd weekend on the pony express route. To find out more go to uroc.com and you can find out when exactly the launches will be.
Fishing was slow but we still had a good time.
On May 12 I had surgery on my right hand to correct carpal tunnel it seems to be doing OK. It is still weak but coming along. I am off work until June 1 when I go back to the doctor to see if the hand is well enough to go back on light duty. I hope it is. We talked to Kade on Mothers day and it was just awesome to hear his voice and now we won't talk to him until he gets home. Janet had a good mothers day so did all the other mothers in our lives. This last weekend we went to Saint George to be with Nicole and Ben as they went to the temple to receive their endowments. All of our children except Kade was able to make it a part of the memorial day weekend. Ryan, Dallin, Saedy, and Aleana were in Saint George but Ryan stayed with the kids we did miss him at the temple. Steve stayed home with his kids and did some daddy time with them. I am so proud of Nicole and Ben and the decisions they have made. OH yea they Ben and Nicole have bought a condo down in Spanish Fork it is pretty cool. I was able to help them move some stuff in yesterday and Ben is now living there. As the wedding gets closer we are so happy that we have most every thing set up and just a few minor things to do to finish up. It will come together as we work together. June 6 at the Salt Lake Temple is the day for us proud parents to see our lovely Nicole marry our new son-in-law Ben. All of our children our now temple worthy and it makes a dad super proud. I know that we are truly blessed. We are looking forward to all of our children and their spouses to be with us to see this wonderful event we will miss Kade but he told us he will be with us in spirit. It is always wonderful to be with family no matter what the occasion.
On May 8-9 I went with the 1098 scouts and we hiked up Grove Creek canyon we went about 2.5 miles and camped over night.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Well here we are the end of March and time keeps slipping by. Kade has about 7 months left and he will be home!!!! We are excited to have him home but we know he is doing what the Lord would have him do. This last month was good as I still have a job. I got released from Priest quorum advisor but got called to be the youngmens secretary so now I can go camping with any or all groups if they want or need me and I have the time. I am kind of excited to be able to help lots of other boys advance in scouting. I am some worried about the priests as now it is not me who is the one planning the camp outs so I just hope the boys can get the new advisers to get excited about camping!!! Last weekend Ryan and I took Dallin and Saedy up to Highland Glen park and we did some fishing!!
The kids had a good time but short attention spans do kind of make it hard but we enjoyed each others company.
I am the only on in our group who caught anything, a small trout, we did cook it but I could not get the kids to eat any. I hope to be able to take all the grand kids sometime this summer but not all at the same time as that would probably drive this old grandpa crazyer. 
This last week Janet turned the big 50 so now she is as old as me for a few months. I sure do love her. We had no party on her special day but yesterday we got together and had lunch at Pizza Factory in Lindon.
We had all the kids there but Kade, we also had mom and dad Walker come.
We did not tell Janet what was going on. We had Nicole come and pick her up to go shopping for wedding stuff then at 1:30 they were suppose to show up for a surprise party, but they ran into a friend while shopping so they were a little late. It all was good, when they got there the pizza was ready so we enjoyed every ones company. Then in the evening we had people over for cake and ice cream. We even invited some over to be a surprise and I believe it was good and we all just want Janet to know how important she is and how much she is loved.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!!!! It sure is fun to have all the people we care about come and be with us.. If anyone ever wants just to come and hang out just call and come enjoy some time in our lives.. Family and friends are so important to us. I have been busy working in the yard to get it all ready for spring and summer. It seems to take quite a bit to keep all things going. But when I see people enjoying the yard it is well worth it. We are all healthy and doing well. Ryan now has a job with a law office in SLC and he seems to like it. We wish you well Ryan. Steve is doing well and we appreciate all he does. I can not believe how big the grand kids are getting!!!! Ben and Nicole are working thier butts off trying to get ready for the big day. Scouts have been a little weird as since camping up AF canyon no camps have been planned as of now, but I am hoping to go on a couple in April. The ward deacons are going to go on the 18th and launch rockets so I hope I will be able to go with them. Then of course if 1098 decides on a camp out they are first priority. Oh yea Nicoles wedding is getting closer as June 6 is right around the corner. Still lots to do in a short time. Scott and Kayce are doing well but still busy with school and work. 
They will be coming in for the next couple of week ends. It is always so good to see them. We are such a blessed family. Life is awesome.
This last week Janet turned the big 50 so now she is as old as me for a few months. I sure do love her. We had no party on her special day but yesterday we got together and had lunch at Pizza Factory in Lindon.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
See The New Draper Temple
Well we went to the Draper Temple open house this last Tuesday and what a great temple it is. If you want to see pictures as we forgot our cameras go search Draper Temple Pictures they are cool. It was just beautiful and we went with Shanna, Ryan, Dallin, Saedy, Aleana and Nicole. We always enjoy being with family. Work is going well and at least we have work. We are so blessed with Kade serving his mission and with all the grand kids. Nicole and Ben are preparing for the time of marriage but still need to set a date hopefully we will know in the next week or so. For more information on Kade link to "My Missionary" and more will be told. Janet is doing well and she is loving being a grandma. She is busy with work and life in general. She is such a special woman who else could put up with me?????? I have been camping with the scouts and as always everyone thinks I am crazy as I truly love winter camping.. No problem if you are prepared and have the correct gear. I think that some people who claim they don't like winter camping is because they don't have the correct gear and mental attitude. Don't get me wrong I do like all camping just winter is one of my favorite as I sleep best when it is cooooool or cold as my family tells me. It does take longer to do things in the cold but it is still fun.. I am enjoying all my grand kids when they are around. It is so fun to be with them.
As of the snowmobiles the 800 is back and running as far as I can tell in good shape but the poor 700 has some real problems from when it locked up pulling the 800 back from the ice cold water trip.

As you can see the 700 needs some tender loving care and some $ to get it to come back to life!! But we have until next fall to make it live again.
This next weekend my nephew Ty is getting married he is my brother Matt's oldest boy then in a couple of months his brother DJ is getting married. Spring is just a busy time of the year for all.
My Dad finally came home after only 2 1/2 weeks after back surgery and he is doing well. Way to go Dad!! My dad is one of my hero's.
Chastina and Steve went to Mexico and got to play and relax for a few days and we got to watch their kids and we had fun. Oh yea Steve and Cassie had fun too. Thanks for letting us watch your kids..
Grandpa Bill
As of the snowmobiles the 800 is back and running as far as I can tell in good shape but the poor 700 has some real problems from when it locked up pulling the 800 back from the ice cold water trip.
As you can see the 700 needs some tender loving care and some $ to get it to come back to life!! But we have until next fall to make it live again.
This next weekend my nephew Ty is getting married he is my brother Matt's oldest boy then in a couple of months his brother DJ is getting married. Spring is just a busy time of the year for all.
My Dad finally came home after only 2 1/2 weeks after back surgery and he is doing well. Way to go Dad!! My dad is one of my hero's.
Chastina and Steve went to Mexico and got to play and relax for a few days and we got to watch their kids and we had fun. Oh yea Steve and Cassie had fun too. Thanks for letting us watch your kids..
Grandpa Bill
Monday, February 23, 2009
what has happened lately
Well here it is the last of February and what a month it has been. Work has slowed down but so far still enough to keep every thing going.The first of February On the 6th I went to a dinner seminar for hunter ed. Ryan was able to go with me and as he has been helping me with my classes it was good to let him see how the education helps the state. Janet and Shanna had a primary dinner the same night. Nicole came and was with Dallin and Saedy for the evening. It was a good night for all. The kids really love to be with Aunt Nicole.
On Saturday February 7 I went to Upalco for the night and stayed with Roger and Kellie. On Sunday I went to church with them and it was the missionary farewell for Sam Burton. It was good to be with Tippets and see the Burton family. On Saturday February 14 I had a hunter education class and it went well. I had 6 students and they all passed. All in the house except Dallin and I have been sick for the last week and now most are getting better so it is almost back to normal at the house. Last Tuesday the 17 my dad had back surgery and it went better than the doctor had hoped for. He is now at Orchard Health center in Orem for some rehab then it on back to home!!! We are so glad it went so well. Last Friday night I took the ward scouts to Scolfield for ice fishing and a winter camp. During the night one of the other leaders and I took the snowmobiles for a short ride that ended in some disaster. We were flying out over the lake and got to far to the south when we turned around to go back we went back the same way we had came but when we got to what we thought was a road the other leader was leading the way and next thing we knew he had broken through the ice and began to sink into the water. We took a minute and found out what we thought was a road was the stream coming into the lake. When we went over the first time we were going about 60 and when we went back we only going about 30 so not enough speed so he sank in about 30" of water which was better than if it was deeper. We decided since he was wet and it was 0 degrees we needed to get him dry and safe. We took off on the snowmobile I had been riding and went and found a cabin with lights on. The guy who was there lives up in his cabin year round and let us in and dry out. He then took us to our camp. Yes we left the snowmobile in the water as it was about 2:30 am when we finally got him dried out. The guys back at camp had become worried when we had not come back after about 1-2 hours and they called search and rescue. We had called and let the search and rescue know we were safe before we left the guys cabin. The rescue had only began to assemble so we caught them before the search had began. We were very lucky as no one got hurt. After we got back to camp and slept for a few hours we had breakfast and after the sun started warming every thing up we headed out to rescue a frozen snowmobile.

As you can see it was pretty fun to work together as a group. We then hooked the frozen machine up behind the other one to tow it back to the parking lot and after about a mile or so the snowmobile that was running started acting up and so I stopped and the engine died. When I tried to start it the engine would not even turn over so I think I over worked it and it seized up. We then ended up being towed in by a guy who had a track machine called ampacat. The people were so good to us up there when we needed so much help. I think of them as angels of mercy and thank God for what was done for us. We then went back to camp and took down all tents and packed up. Yes we did let all who wanted to fish for about 2 hours and only one fish was caught. Still all in all it was a good weekend. We only need to check over the snowmobiles and see what damage was really done. We know that there is always a reason for the tests we go through. We will see how we grow from this one!!!!!! God really does look out for us... I was asked if I will go back and ice fish again and of course I said yes and yes I will still snowmobile but will pay a little more attention to what is around me. I did not like the idea of someone getting in as much trouble as we could have been in. We did keep our heads and by the time we found the cabin the other leader was starting to get hypothermia not good. But everything worked out. All who help us only asked us to be ready to help others as that is all the compensation they would take for helping us.. Treat everyone around you as you would like to be treated!!!!!! AWESOME PEOPLE!!!!
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